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Basketry by Sue

     A friend of mine called me one day and told me to get ready we were going to take a class to learn how to make baskets. I met her in town and we went to our class. I enjoyed it so much that I bought some supplies to take home with me so I could try to make a few more baskets. My mother’s love of baskets must have rubbed off because I soon had a nice collection of baskets in different shapes and sizes.

     In 1991 I moved to Michigan and could not take all my baskets with me nor my supplies as I would be working in a job that did not leave me much time to pursue my hobby. Four years later I move to Nashville, Tennessee still did not have time to devote to my hobby. In 2011 I retired and finally had time to find something new to fill my time besides work. I tracked down some supplies and relearned how to make baskets. Having time on your hands might not be a great thing, because I couldn’t stop trying different styles and colors. So, I have more baskets than I knew what to do with.

     I researched different venues in which to sell my baskets and then how much I should charge committed to a booth in an indoor week-end flea market. I sold and demonstrated my craft and made a little bit of money; just enough to feed my habit.

     That time was short-lived. Since I had been a flood victim in the 2010 flood that hit Nashville, I had been waiting to see it the government was going to offer to buy my house it their flood mitigation process. I was indeed offer the buy-out, so I took the opportunity as a sign that it was time for me to return to my hometown of Lafayette, Indiana.

     Now I have just completed a summer full of craft shows and festival where I sold my baskets and some other small crafts that I pursue. I will hit the sales trail again early next spring. I am enjoying my life and I am back with all of my family. It is a blessing to be home.

See the rest of my baskets go to: Shop for Baskets Here

Pink Toilet Roll Cover Wastebasket Laundry Basket Moon Basket
Custom Bridesmaid Baskets and Flower Girl Basket finished by florist